
Mocka Tips: How to Style a Tray Table

16th Oct 2020

Mocka Tips: How to Style a Tray Table

Tray tables can add a third element to a room and collectively decorate a space in a simple yet highly effective way. A beautifully styled tray table can become the focal point in the room and can help to keep all of your small decorative pieces together.

Styling a tray table can be tricky with the limited amount of space that it provides. Follow Mocka’s simple tray table styling tips to get your tray table styling down to a fine art.

Take your Maya Tray Table and visually divide the space on the tray into quarters. You will use these quarters to create styling sections.

  1. When styling your tray table you need to work with appropriate proportions so ensure that your décor and trinkets vary in size.
  2. Your coffee table books or magazines should take up half of the tray. Stack books on top of each other in an ascending order. Opt for picture heavy books and boutique magazines with inspiring covers to create a visual feast for your guests.
  3. In the third quarter style a natural element onto the tray to add life to the space. This could include a vase of flowers, a succulent or a potted plant. The height of the plant next to the books or magazines will ease the eye and help to create a collective look.
  4. In your fourth quarter style small interest pieces such as trinkets, vintage finds, candles and personal belongings. Smaller items take up a lot of space when styled on tray tables. Always ensure that there is enough empty space between smaller items to showcase each item.

Remember, less is more. Try not to overcrowd the space of the tray table to ensure that it doesn’t look cluttered and messy.

Images by Blonde and Bone.


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